Chauvin Arnoux PEL103 Power-Energy Logger
The Chauvin-Arnoux PEL103 is an electrical-energy logger used to measure and monitor electrical parameters in single- and three-phase systems. The instrument is designed for use in industrial, commercial, and residential applications and can measure various electrical parameters such as voltage, current, power, energy, frequency, and power factor.
Ergonomic, magnetic, and suitable for any cabinet, the PEL103 recorder performs all power and energy measurements simultaneously. to download PEL 103 datasheet click on datasheet tab also for Chauvin Arnoux PEL103 manual click on manual tab.
Chauvin-Arnoux PEL103 Features
- Single-phase, split-phase, and three-phase installations with or without a neutral, as well as other complex configurations.
- Implementation without cutting off the mains power supply
- Bluetooth, Ethernet, and USB communication
- Automatic recognition of the sensors connected
- Recording on SD and SD-HC cards
- Real-time communication with a PC and analysis using PEL Transfer software
Chauvin-Arnoux PEL103 Specifications:
- Voltage up to 1,000 V
- Currently up to 10,000 A
- Voltage ratio / current ratio up to 650,000 V / up to 25,000 A
- Power from 10 W/var/VA to 10 GW/Gvar/GVA
- Energy up to 4EWh / 4 EVAh / 4 Evarh
- Phase: cos φ, tan Φ, PF
- Harmonics up to 50th order
- 8 GB SD memory card (SD-HC card up to 32 GB)